Logger could go to prison for illegally cutting trees in Wisconsin national forest

A northern Wisconsin logger faces possible time behind bars on charges he illegally cut timber in an environmentally sensitive part of the 1.5 million-acre Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. A federal grand jury in Madison has indicted 40-year-old Jerod Hecimovich on charges of stealing, injuring,  cutting and removing live oak timber from an 88-acre parcel of national forestland in Bayfield County.

Universities link Native American homelands to campus sites

Acknowledging Native American ties to the land that Michigan universities occupy can make a powerful statement honoring the traditional history and culture. A land acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes and respects Indigenous peoples as stewards of the land where an institution is located. Acknowledgments are often executed through signs on campuses, email signatures and statements read before organized events.