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Chemical sex attraction may curb invasive sea lamprey, new study says
Behavior-altering chemicals produced by sea lamprey may decrease the invaders’ populations in the Great Lakes.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/category/wildlife/page/10/)
This broad category encompasses fish. It is further divided on the main menu with tags for mammals, insects, amphibians, birds, mussels, invaders and endangered wildlife.
Behavior-altering chemicals produced by sea lamprey may decrease the invaders’ populations in the Great Lakes.
Ring-billed gulls travel between populated beaches and human waste sites like landfills and water treatment plants, carrying human pathogens with them.
Why do Isle Royale’s red foxes feel comfortable close to humans?
A species unique to the Great Lakes region once had a bounty on its head, but now experts are trying to save it.
Fewer Michigan residents with sloppy backyard birds could be ticketed for potentially spreading disease among deer and elk under a bill the state Senate recently sent to the governor’s desk.
The fate of Traverse City, Michigan’s FishPass project will be decided in court.
After birds lay their eggs and their fledglings take off in the spring, you might have an empty bird box at this point. Should you clean out the nest they leave behind?
Michigan State University Extension is conducting a program to help monitor an invasive moth species.
Freshwater turtles have become less abundant in coastal areas of Greater Toronto that have significantly decreased wetlands.
Cougar habitat in North America has been shrinking due to development, land fragmentation and “human-induced mortality,” wildlife researchers warn.