Scientists test mushrooms as cancer treatment

Hundreds of years ago a lord of the Tohoku region in Japan offered villagers a deal – equal weight in silver to any who could find a rare mushroom. 

The villagers danced with joy when they found the valuable fungus, inspiring the mushroom’s name, “maitake,” or “the dancing mushroom.”

New compound may expand sea lamprey control

A newly discovered chemical compound that makes it difficult for invasive sea lamprey to find their breeding grounds may be a new tool in the toolbox for controlling a parasite that threatens Great Lakes fish.

Anne Scott, an assistant professor at Michigan State University, and her team of researchers are creating a new method of sea lamprey control

Buying local fresh produce benefits farmers

Michigan is the second-most agriculturally diverse state, with farmers growing a wide variety of produce and specialty crops, such as cherries, asparagus and blueberries. 

One bonus of buying locally grown produce is that the community’s economy benefits. 

State farmers eye upcoming federal Farm Bill

Michigan farmers, looking to expand crop insurance and research funding, are pushing to see their needs recognized as the federal Farm Bill moves along on the congressional agenda. 

“This would not be the first time that a Farm Bill was extended. It’s happened several times, but we need leadership to sit down to get the job done,” he said.

Green roofs are saving green dollars

As cities continue to expand, the amount of unused rooftop space grows too.

Steven Peck, the founder and president of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, said that flat roofs are wasted spaces. The organization is an association of the green roof and wall industry.