Catch of the Day
Ontario recycling initiative issues school challenge
It targets lunchroom waste and school supplies.
Great Lakes Echo (
Everything from litter to nuclear waste.
It targets lunchroom waste and school supplies.
New reporting requirements help identify star recyclers.
Local officials say they need funds for special processing equipment for waste that otherwise degrades recycled products and causes expensive disposal problems.
Supporters of the ban say a statewide law is needed to avoid patchwork regulation that hinders businesses with multiple locations.
The chief operator of a municipal wastewater treatment plant pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor violation of the Clean Water Act.
Attempt to cut costs threatened health, according to U.S. Attorney.
He pleaded guilty to defrauding scrap metal brokers by charging them for recycling services that were never provided.
Indictment says he hired untrained worker to illegally strip asbestos pipe insulation from vacant buildings and demolished one building with asbestos still in it.
A new robot could change the game for shoreline trash collection. It will be put to the test this summer in Toronto before going on a mission to clean up an island in Lake Ontario.
Michigan laws are making it more difficult to recycle e-waste.
The proposal aims to expand the 40-year-old beverage deposit law to include noncarbonated drinks, with the exceptions of dairy and dairy substitute products.