Woof, there it is: A spotted lanternfly!
These dogs continue to work on other invasive species detection prevention projects like sticky sage and oak wilt, a type of fungus.
Great Lakes Echo (
Stories that offer environmental solutions.
These dogs continue to work on other invasive species detection prevention projects like sticky sage and oak wilt, a type of fungus.
On Twitter recreation was the most popular topic of discussion, and that users cared more about pollution’s impact on public health than its impact on property values.
Land O’Lakes says it’s prepared to help alleviate the risk of switching to more climate-smart practices that improve soil health.
The bay is eroding quickly, leaving the inland vulnerable.
A research team is investigating how to convert carbon dioxide exhaust produced by the burning of fossil fuels into fuel.
Getting lumber from urban sources is a growing alternative in Michigan and nationwide.
A new report by RentCafe documents the nationwide trend. So-called adaptive reuse apartments are more popular than new apartment developments from 2020-2021, the study says.
Each home will have all-electric appliances powered by solar panels. They will be built with sustainably harvested wood.
The BeBots and Pixedrones will be deployed to Olander Park near Toledo, and then Hinckley Reservation, North Coast Harbor, Fairport Harbor Beach of the Cleveland area.
Trees are an important component of controlling city flooding. According to researchers, removing a single tree can increase stormwater runoff by 1,585 gallons.