Catch of the Day
Lansing budget would power all city buildings with 100% renewable energy by July
Lansing would be the first city in Michigan to do so.
Great Lakes Echo (
These stories are about traditional and alternative energy sources and challenges.
Lansing would be the first city in Michigan to do so.
Michigan’s energy waste reduction programs have saved customers nearly $1.1 billion in utility costs. Experts say that the state’s program is among the better ones in the Midwest, but lags national leaders.
Small manufacturers in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are getting state help to attack some of the highest electric rates in the nation.
Michigan electric utilities last year produced nearly 1.5 million tons of toxic coal ash, a material that may threaten the state’s drinking water. The amount of the material stored in landfills and settling ponds and that can contain arsenic, mercury and lead was reported recently in a study by the Michigan Environmental Council.
The number of Michiganders producing some of their own electricity from solar, wind and water power jumped 35 percent in 2017. That helped offset some of their power costs, but it still amounts to a tiny bit of the state’s electricity needs, according to a recent report by the Public Service Commission.
Biking comes up big in the region.
Why do some people feel oil and gas pipelines are a good and necessary part of our lives, while others fight against them? WEMU’s The Green Room investigates this first part of a series on pipelines.
Administration cites safety factor to justify move; Cautious auto industry response.
Could Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and other parts of the state get the propane gas it needs without the Line 5 Pipeline? A new report just released says “yes.”
A new order by the Michigan Public Service Commission will reduce savings for homes deciding to generate electricity from solar energy, possibly creating a disincentive for homeowners to install solar systems.