Solid water keeps liquid from forming vapor
Earlier ice on Lake Erie inhibits the formation of lake effect clouds.
Great Lakes Echo (
This category is for air quality. Wind power is found under the energy category.
Earlier ice on Lake Erie inhibits the formation of lake effect clouds.
Did Mother Nature look over van Gogh’s shoulder for this one? Or is it the other way around?
Air monitoring gulls find new contamination route that may also threaten the health of landfill workers.
The big waves induced by weather patterns above the Great Lakes are expected to increase in intensity and frequency with climate change.
Earlier enforcement action was taken in a 2010 consent decree that included a $6 million penalty.
A heroin addict is convicted of an environmental felony for releasing ozone-damaging chemicals during the theft of commercial air conditioners.
Workers uncertified in asbestos removal said they were offered cash to remove the material when a container company refused to dump it.
The state has delayed plans to regulate carbon emissions from coal plants.
The EPA sets a new standard for haze plans after six conservation groups failed to petition for the review of a Minnesota plan affecting visibility in national parks and wildernesses.