Warming rivers threaten iconic Michigan fish
A beloved, cold-loving state fish is in danger of overheating.
Great Lakes Echo (http://greatlakesecho.org/author/brian/)
A beloved, cold-loving state fish is in danger of overheating.
An installment in Environmental Health News’s “Sacred Water” series.
The Menominee Tribe, fighting a losing battle with regulators over a mine near their namesake river, has emerged with a stronger, vibrant voice.
Modern boundaries complicate –and stymie–the Menominee Tribe’s effort to protect burial grounds.
The impact of most of these “chemicals of emerging concern” on the health of people and aquatic life remains unclear, according to the International Joint Commission.
Prescription drugs are contaminating Lake Michigan two miles from Milwaukee’s sewage outfalls, suggesting that the lake is not diluting the compounds as most scientists expected.
Officials stumbled upon one of the nation’s largest plumes of an industrial solvent called trichloroethylene, or TCE, in Mancelona, Mich.
Lead poisoning of Detroit children has dropped dramatically, and experts attribute it to the cleanup or demolition of vacant homes, a shrinking population and stricter city landlord laws.
Baby fish exposed to hormone-laden manure from Indiana farms were more likely to be male than those raised in uncontaminated water.
The findings add to evidence that farm runoff may alter fish hormones.