New sunfish regulations let Minnesota’s fish grow
Growing public concern about shrinking sunfish sizes led to lower daily harvest limits across Minnesota this year.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/tag/fisheries/)
Growing public concern about shrinking sunfish sizes led to lower daily harvest limits across Minnesota this year.
Michigan researchers are asking for volunteers to transcribe paper fish observation records that date back more than a century.
As lakes thaw this spring, you might spot dead fish, experts warn.
Scientists are simulating Great Lakes walleye on computers to find out how contaminants harm the fish.
A new understanding of how genes affect which fish can see deep in Lake Superior could help scientists understand how to preserve them.
Arctic grayling, a fish known for its sail-like dorsal fin and that died out in Michigan in the 1930s, could be making a comeback in Michigan.
Alewives were once an important food source for top predators and popular gamefish such as salmon and lake trout. But Great Lakes populations of the small fish started to decline in the early 1980s.
The research could have implications for estimating how many lake trout are in the Great Lakes.
The spread of invasive quagga and zebra mussels in the Great Lakes has altered the ecology of lakes, including disrupting the food web in the lakes. Commercial whitefish fishers are facing challenges in their industry that may be the result of changes to the food web brought about by the presence of the invasive mussels.
The Marquette State Fish Hatchery lost around 100,000 fish in 2012 to the disease, according to a new publication in the American Fisheries Society. Similar losses happened again in 2017.