Dogs keep gulls from polluting Great Lakes beaches
A new study shows that border collies effectively reduced gull populations on beaches.
Great Lakes Echo (
The nearshore encompasses beaches and wetlands. It extends from uplands through the coasts and into the water near the shore.
A new study shows that border collies effectively reduced gull populations on beaches.
About $3 million will be spent on annual beach replenishment this year.
Environmentalists worry that a recent fuel spill in south-central Ontario will reverse their efforts to restore the local environment and that it threatens Lake Erie.
Like many coastal communities in the Great Lakes Basin, Monroe, Michigan, relies on water drawn directly from one of the five Great Lakes: Erie.
Cover crops reduce erosion and help prevent nutrient runoff from farms, particularly phosphorus, from making its way to the Great Lakes and creating conditions for algal blooms.
The 2,800 tributaries emptying into the world’s largest lake may affect its biochemistry and ecology more than people think.
The economic value of the cargo they helped move last winter is estimated at $875 million.
How the First Nations people of Walpole Island are approaching the phragmites problem.
The story of wild rice and its relationship to Native American culture.
The university recently announced a $5.2 million federal grant to create the Lake Erie Center for Fresh Waters and Human Health.