Energy alternatives on the rise in Michigan–slowly

The number of Michiganders producing some of their own electricity from solar, wind and water power jumped 35 percent in 2017. That helped offset some of their power costs, but it still amounts to a tiny bit of the state’s electricity needs, according to a recent report by the Public Service Commission.

Restocking wolves on Isle Royale raises questions about which species get rescued

Supporters call the National Park Service’s plan to restock wolves on Isle Royale a “genetic rescue,” but skeptics say nature should be allowed to take its course. Authors Mark Neuzil and Eric Freedman think this is unlikely to happen because wolves have friends in high places in the scientific establishment and the federal government.

Family laments dam removals

Not everyone is excited about losing the Boardman and Sabin dams. The Gibbs family has lived in Northern Michigan for generations and their ancestors helped build the dams.

Tribal elder raises river restoration awareness

When a series of dams was proposed for the river, the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians was against it. So when word got out that the city might remove the dams, the tribe jumped at the opportunity to help.