Clearing the air over northern Michigan pollution

By Kurt Williams

Air quality in northern Michigan was bad on Jan., 21. At least that’s what the weather app on Sharon Emery’s phone reported. The ominous warning “Unhealthy Air Quality for Sensitive Groups” hung above the day’s current conditions of clear skies and 27 degrees. Emery has a place in Cheboygan, on the shore of Lake Huron in northern Michigan. It’s not  known for poor air quality, especially in winter.

Feral swine decreasing but still pose threat

The number of feral swine in the state is declining, but there’s still concern about their transmitting diseases to domestic pigs — threatening a $500-million-a-year industry — and to people, as well as damage to vegetation.

New fee has pheasant hunters up in arms

A proposal crawling through the Michigan Legislature would require a $25 stamp for pheasant hunting, with the proceeds earmarked to stock the birds on state-owned land and to improve their habitat.

Proposal could place more requirements on hunting, fishing guides

Commercial hunting and fishing guides would need state licenses under a proposal pending in a Michigan House committee. Supporters say that would provide additional safety for hunters and anglers if guides must carry liability insurance and know CPR and first aid.