Here’s a guide to northern Indiana natural areas you never knew about
They counter the stereotype that the region is nothing but industrial development.
Great Lakes Echo (
They counter the stereotype that the region is nothing but industrial development.
Six of the animals were transferred from another Lake Superior island in a bid to control Isle Royale’s moose population and restore its forests.
A new study examines how dogs tend to take on the personalities of their owners
The National Park Service operates memorials, historic sites, nature preserves, parkways, parks and dozens of other facilities. Sixty-one are national parks and three are national lakeshores. Can a name change draw visitors?
Now is the most crucial time to ensure a productive strawberry crop, experts say. Precautions are needed to avoid misshapen berries with poor color that could allow large strawberry-producing states to displace the market for local fruit.
They are studying the DNA of baby’s breath to understand why it thrives in unforgiving ecosystems around the Great Lakes and across the continent.
Others dispute that it is inevitable.
A new study shows that border collies effectively reduced gull populations on beaches.
Evening bats have begun making a home in Michigan.
MLive recently published a list of the most beautiful places in each Michigan county.