MONDAY MASHUP: Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes


By Rachael Gleason

You can locate some of the Great Lakes’ shipwrecks thanks to this mashup.

The interactive map features about 120 nautical disasters – although Great Lakes historian Dave Swayze estimates more than 4,000 ships have been lost to the lakes.

Each dot represents a shipwreck. Some contain information about how the ship went down, such as the Appomattox. The large wooden steamer hit ground on the western shore of Lake Michigan more than a century ago. It wasn’t the only ship to go down off the coast of Milwaukee.

The mashup is the product of an urban planning class at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Related story: Book tells tales of tragic Lake Huron freighter sinking.

Win a Monday Mashup prize:

Win a prize if you’re the first to suggest or create a Great Lakes mashup used on Echo’s Monday Mashup. What’s the prize? Well, it’s not a Great Lakes cruise.  But we’ve got stress balls shaped like polar bears and bats (stress bats?), pocket knives, mini-backpacks, flashlights, water bottles and other items of similar fine value lying around the Echo Chamber. We’ll send you something AND publicly acknowledge your contribution in MONDAY MASHUP. Send it to Monday Mashups editor Rachael Gleason at

3 thoughts on “MONDAY MASHUP: Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes

  1. i am interested in the shipwrecls of lake Erie,of the shores in western new york and erie,pa.
    O would like a squeese bear,

  2. Pingback: Book tells tale of tragic Lake Huron freighter sinking | Great Lakes Echo

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