Great Lakes beachcombers find mostly plastic

Microplastics threaten human health. Exposure to them, especially when consumed, involve an array of toxic effects, including reproductive problems, delays in immune responses and oxidative stress, according to a 2023 study published in Environment and Health Journal. 

Dance groups leap into environmental communication

Pirouettes, leaps and pliés don’t come to mind when you think of environmental justice.

But for Michigan State University theater professors Deric McNish and Rob Roznowski,  dance and theater are the perfect communicative devices for such serious topics. 

Leave them be?

As the leaves blanket the ground in stunning shades of reds, yellows, and oranges, experts say to think twice before bagging them up. 

That said, perhaps your neighbor with the meticulous lawn may disagree.

Changing climate changes colors

Climate change means that the Great Lakes region’s trademark red, orange and yellow fall leaves will be more intense for a shorter period in the next decade. 

The warming climate will also cause the leaves to change later in the season, scientists say.