How an upstream ditch limits downstream algae
Digging the right kind of ditch to drain farm fields can improve water quality hundreds of miles away.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/tag/farming/page/3/)
Digging the right kind of ditch to drain farm fields can improve water quality hundreds of miles away.
The public health impacts of an agricultural disaster in Michigan are still lingering 40 years later.
They can be recycled for other uses, are as cheap to preserve as demolish, cost less in taxes and boost the local economy
Levels of pesticides didn’t exceed the benchmark for human health, but farm runoff remains a concern for fish and insects in many streams and rivers.
Photographer inspired by rural heritage to capture images of vanishing structures.
A new study by scientists at Michigan State University shows that ethanol use in Michigan is reducing carbon emissions by nearly 1.4 million metric tons per year, equivalent to the emissions of 294,000 cars.
Still in its early stages, with many technological, legal and public safety concerns to be ironed out, drone technology and uses in agriculture are on the rise.
But limited malting capacity is a brake on production.
Most people are aware of the “sexy” greenhouse gas CO-2. Fewer know of its co-culprit nitrous oxide. The third-largest greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide is released in soil during a natural process. However, the increased use of nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture has resulted in harmful nitrous oxide emissions.
A proposed expansion is indicative of broader issues involving resource protection and the weighing of emerging and established economic forces.