Urban advocates make impact out of the spotlight
These urban advocates are among the many people who toil quietly on behalf of the environment of the Great Lakes region.
Great Lakes Echo (
These urban advocates are among the many people who toil quietly on behalf of the environment of the Great Lakes region.
Animal body language, team building and water conservation are among the subjects examined by winter explorers.
Parts of our clothing ends up in the bellies of fish because of our laundering habits.
President-elect Donald Trump’s call for infrastructure investment could give revamping of critical maritime link a boost.
Low prices mean drillers don’t have the cash to develop new wells.
A resurgence of wild rice in popular lakes near Toronto has sparked debate over conflicting recreational and cultural values.
A new documentary about invasive species in the Great Lakes was a labor of love for a husband-and-wife team.
Heritage Sustainable Energy’s missing paperwork gave Schoolcraft County a reason to reject a new wind farm.
The Natural Resources Trust Fund helps pay for some of the largest conservation efforts in the state.
The East African and North American Great Lakes face remarkably similar challenges.