Michigan farmers markets cope with COVID-19 order

Michigan farmers markets can continue to operate under Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order, but because customers are staying home, many farmers are seeing a dip in demand for their products.

‘Greening’ Detroit’s riverfront

The Environmental Protection Agency recently signed a $2.5 million agreement to clean the Detroit River and create new habitat for wildlife.

Northern Michigan’s food gurus

Northern Michigan may be known for beautiful water views and serenity, but more recently it’s become known for a variety of excellent restaurants.

Many university students don’t qualify for COVID aid

If they are between 16 and 24 and their parents claim them as dependents, they don’t qualify for any check – including the $500 their parents get for younger dependents. Lawmakers are looking for a fix while some college students call foul.

Remembering the UP’s break-away movement

The time was the 1970s, when many Yoopers believed that the push to strengthen national and state environmental laws posed an economic threat to the U.P., especially its mining, lumbering and agricultural industries.