By Emilio Perez Ibarguen
A new MSU study found that a community’s walkability – particularly the density of pedestrian crossings and public transit stops – influences residents’ health outcomes such as blood pressure, cholesterol and depression. Hamtamck ranks as Michigan’s most walkable city.
Michigan Press Association honors Echo reporters
Ten Great Lakes Echo reporters recently scored honors in the 2023 Michigan Press Association’s College Better Newspaper Contest.
“Our bench is deep, but it has to be to cover the world’s most important beat,” said Echo Editor David Poulson
Environmental journalism danger commentary
Reporting on environmental problems and controversies remains a perilous endeavor, as demonstrated by a series of incidents around the globe.
Journalists are physically assaulted, jailed, interrogated by police, kidnapped, fired, sued for libel, harassed and even murdered for seeking to expose environmental crimes
Pepper wars: Michigan grower disputes Pepper X’s record for world’s hottest pepper
Guinness World Records recently announced that the world’s new hottest pepper is a veggie known as Pepper X, grown by Puckerbutt Pepper Co. of Fort Mill, South Carolina.
But Ryan Karcher, a veteran pepper grower from Howell, Michigan, is contesting Pepper X’s spice and flavor with his own pepper. It will be featured in a January 22 television show called Superhot: The Spicy World of Pepper People.
State’s public health ranks low, study finds
Michigan’s population is less healthy than the national average, ranking below most other states, including its Midwestern neighbors, in premature death rates, infant mortality rates and access to health care.
Michigan bald eagles soar back from near-extinction
It’s a success story for the country’s national bird, which was nearly wiped off the map by the 1960s after generations of human interference.
Michigan tribes fight long odds to restore wild rice, their history
Rice is in its renaissance now.
The life of Peanut: Inside the story of the world’s oldest living chicken
Peanut currently holds the Guinness World Records title for the oldest living chicken.
Des Plaines River is a site of new impediments to voracious species
The project is meant to help prevent catastrophic damage to the Great Lakes fishery.
Michigan removes derogatory Native slur from Oxford Township boat launch
The boat launch will now be called the Paint Lake DNR Boat Launch.
Michigan bottle return rate fell after pandemic ban. Would price hike help?
Michigan’s return rate on bottles and cans, which stood at nearly 89 percent before the pandemic, has plummeted below 76 percent.