New NASA satellite helps scientists understand Great Lakes
Mapping currents allows scientists to understand the path pollution takes and maximize the efficiency of boats and vessels.
Great Lakes Echo (
Stories that offer environmental solutions.
Mapping currents allows scientists to understand the path pollution takes and maximize the efficiency of boats and vessels.
More tools and resources are becoming available to teachers wanting to pursue environmental curriculum.
Fertilizer produced at local levels could reduce costs and carbon emissions related to transport.
Among the species that newly receive threatened status are the Eastern whip-poor-will, evening grosbeak, golden-winged warbler, Northern goshawk, spruce grouse and upland sandpiper.
More young people are taking interest in scuba diving and Great Lakes eco-dives are expected to become more popular in the coming years.
The organization holds an annual “challenge” for communities to measure their progress toward advancing sustainability.
The project will reduce energy costs by $2.7 million and cut carbon emissions by 93% over 25 years.
Most cemeteries are looking to provide green burial as an option, whether it’s immediately today or as part of their master plan.
People are happy to pay for such services, even if the cost is higher than a regular bus ride.
It’s better suited than batteries to power large vehicles that need to travel long distances like semi-trucks, because hydrogen refuels much faster than batteries recharge.