Lake Huron wind farm generates power, controversy
Local residents release information on bird and bat deaths.
Great Lakes Echo (
These stories are about traditional and alternative energy sources and challenges.
Local residents release information on bird and bat deaths.
Small energy companies are fighting Consumer Energy’s proposal to pay them less for their electricity.
The Michigan city is learning that developing community solar largely comes down to whether the local utility is willing to participate.
Closure of power plants will help Michigan comply with new federal emissions requirements.
Once dismissed as a nuisance weed, pennycress could extend growing season with a spring harvest of biodiesel fuel.
A construction start in two years may be overly optimistic.
An administrative law judge ruled that the subsidiary of Milwaukee-based WEC Energy Group was compensated nearly nine times more than the costs it actually incurred to maintain the Presque Isle plant.
For what are relatively small utilities, the payments could have a significant impact on ratepayers across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
Sentencing document says solar company fraud was driven by gambling and desire to live in $3 million home.
It will be the nation’s second off-shore wind farm and the first one in freshwater.