Water Wages

Many Great Lakes cities are setting water rate structures that discourage consumption. But these rates can be bad for business if set poorly.  

JUNE 10:
Survey shows Great Lakes trend of water rates that encourage conservation
Utility providers set high consumption charges to discourage water use.  

JUNE 11:
Conservation rates: Bad for business? Utility providers can lose money if rates aren’t set correctly.

Network of Great Lakes energy research centers could usher in ‘green economy’

The Great Lakes region is key to developing an innovation-driven green economy, according to a recent report from the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank. The report outlines the benefits of creating a region-wide network of energy research centers. “…a series of roughly six of these high-powered, market-focused energy centers would create a critical mass of innovation through their number, size, variety, linkages and orientation to pre-existing research institutions and industry clusters,” according to the report. Accounting for nearly a third of all academic and industry research development in the country, the Midwest “lies at ground zero of the nation’s need ‘green’ the U.S. industry,” according to the report. Each center would call on the region’s top research universities, national and private research laboratories and engineering expertise to examine energy problems ranging from the development of biofuels to the transportation of power.

MONDAY MASHUP: Cleaning up the Great Lakes

Great Lakes residents looking to lend a helping hand have a new resource at their fingertips.

An international coalition dedicated to restoring the region’s ecosystem has developed a mashup that allows users to post cleanup opportunities.

MONDAY MASHUP: Track Great Lakes ships

A mashup from the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System lets users track vessels navigating Great Lakes waterways in real time. Users can see a list of ships in transit and get information about locks and ports.