The dose is in the bite: silent effects of parasitic sea lamprey
The research could have implications for estimating how many lake trout are in the Great Lakes.
Great Lakes Echo (
The research could have implications for estimating how many lake trout are in the Great Lakes.
This year water levels were the highest on record since previous record highs in 1986, according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers which has tracked them since 1918.
A university researcher is tracking balloon litter in the Great Lakes region to spread awareness of how it harms the environment.
Access and proximity to nature contribute to overall happiness, said psychology professor Mahima Saxena.
Women who fish have created a new Twitter hashtag to promote awareness of their growing numbers.
Most city and state Lake Michigan beaches, have not staffed lifeguards for years, and in some cases decades.
July 29 marked this year’s Earth Overshoot Day. That’s the annual date where it’s estimated that humans have taken more resources from the planet than it can produce for that year. The calculations for the date are provided by the Global Footprint Network, with the date changing almost every year.
Yet another game of toxic whack-a-mole—this time with PFAS chemicals. Phased-out compounds are decreasing in the Great Lakes, but replacements keep showing up.
Have you ever thought about the environmental impact of your cup of coffee? Ray Garcia stopped by Michigan coffee shops to find out what shop owners and roasters are doing to minimize the impact on the environment.
The Minong Ridge trail on Isle Royale is “arguably the hardest hike in Michigan.”