A Great Lake plunge may not be such a great feat
Climate change is taking the polar out of a polar plunge and could fuel bacteria and algae outbreaks.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/author/dave/page/14/)
Climate change is taking the polar out of a polar plunge and could fuel bacteria and algae outbreaks.
How mighty is Michigan’s Mackinac Bridge?
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Ready for the show? The curtain is about to come up on MSU Science Theatre.
Grab some headphones and a snorkeling mask, and prepare for a concert of whale song.
They examined strategies for keeping plastic cigar tips, water bottles and bags from harming water quality.
Earlier ice on Lake Erie inhibits the formation of lake effect clouds.
Did Mother Nature look over van Gogh’s shoulder for this one? Or is it the other way around?
This citizen science project gives clues on how to better manage Great Lakes fish stocks.
Wolves scavenging improperly disposed dead cattle can prompt them to shrink their range, leading to more interactions with people.