Great Lakes Month in Review: pet coke, fracking, Asian carp funding
Great Lakes commentator Gary Wilson on February’s biggest environmental stories.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/tag/current-state/page/6/)
Every Tuesday the Current State public affairs radio program on WKAR in East Lansing runs an environmental story in partnership with Great Lakes Echo. The stories also run on the Echo site and are archived here.
Great Lakes commentator Gary Wilson on February’s biggest environmental stories.
The public health impacts of an agricultural disaster in Michigan are still lingering 40 years later.
The new leader of the Mid-Michigan Environmental Action Council outlines his priorities for the organization.
WKAR’s Current State checks in with Great Lakes commentator Gary Wilson about January’s biggest environmental stories.
A new report from the University of Michigan’s Energy Institute looks at the costs and benefits of expanding renewable energy in Michigan.
Prescription drugs bypassing sewage treatment to enter the Great Lakes could harm fish.
The population of the invasive faucet snail is expanding in the Great Lakes.
Michigan environmentalists are disappointed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new rules on coal ash.
Current State looks back at the biggest Great Lakes environmental stories of 2014.
A new tool developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration lets people look at what varying water levels do to a shoreline.