Plant trees, store carbon, save the environment
Michigan’s 3.9 million acres of state forests could be recruited for a fight to limit climate change by storing carbon emissions.
Great Lakes Echo (
Michigan’s 3.9 million acres of state forests could be recruited for a fight to limit climate change by storing carbon emissions.
Challengers say Trump air rules usurp state authority to address climate change.
The northwest part of Michigan’s lower peninsula has already warmed two degrees Celsius since pre-industrial times, double that in most of the rest of the country, according to an analysis of federal temperature data dating back to 1895.
Over the past 20 years, Great Lakes water levels have gone from sustained multiyear lows to multiyear highs. Climate change is accelerating the transition between dry phases and wet phases.
The first comprehensive look at climate change impacts on Canada says the country is warming twice as fast as much of the rest of the world.
The Marquette State Fish Hatchery lost around 100,000 fish in 2012 to the disease, according to a new publication in the American Fisheries Society. Similar losses happened again in 2017.
The economic value of the cargo they helped move last winter is estimated at $875 million.
As a warming climate transforms forests across the northern Great Lakes, scientists working in the iconic Minnesotan landscape are embracing the change.
Cold legacy: The polar vortex left behind more than just the memory of a frigid winter.