Author preserves Great Lakes shipwrecks by writing novels about them

Plummeting temperatures, blinding snow and ferocious winds ripped through the air as three freighters struggled on Lake Michigan’s frigid surface.  

Unsuspecting and dangerously underprepared passengers braced for the worst, baffled at the stark contrast from the serene weather of the morning. 

The tale of a haunted lighthouse

The smell of cigar smoke lingers as visitors walk through the dark living quarters of Gulliver’s Seul Choix Point Lighthouse.

“There are so many public ghost towns,” Tedsen said. “But to me, paranormal is very important — it begs the question ‘is there life after death?’”

Curbing feral cat populations in Michigan

Feral cats have colonies across the state, and their inbreeding, overpopulation and constant pregnancies have caused these strays to multiply. 

Some feral cats are born with defects due to inbreeding. Misshapen heads, extra toes or crossed eyes could be results of incest among them.

Bird songs may ease the blues

The Great Lakes region’s more than 300 bird species may provide valuable mental health benefits.

A recent study from Carleton University in Ontario shows there are fewer mental health-related hospitalizations in Michigan areas with high bird diversity.