MSU scientist seeks more monitoring to protect our water
Joan Rose, recent winner of the Stockholm Prize for water, discusses the difficulty and importance of measuring water quality worldwide.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/category/water/page/24/)
Includes water quality, quantity and use.
Joan Rose, recent winner of the Stockholm Prize for water, discusses the difficulty and importance of measuring water quality worldwide.
How the Flint water crisis has changed the lives of the city’s children, from their perspective.
About half identify pollution as the region’s greatest threat.
The Herman family is still proud to call Flint their home.
WKAR’s Faces of Flint series kicks off with the story of hip hop artist Mama Sol, who was born and raised in the city of Flint. She’s using her music to uplift her hometown while it struggles to recover from the water crisis there.
Study shows Great Lakes are home to the largest collection of riverless urban areas.
Urban contamination, a controversial pipeline and a Great Lakes diversion proposal are all on his plate.
Politics trump citizens of Flint as EPA administrator refuses to accept any responsibility for water mess.
A new book explores the uphill battle against the worst Great Lakes invaders and praises the people who research them.
That deluge of state pronouncements, announcements, advisories and denouncements about Flint water reflects a misperception that better PR is — if not a solution to the poisoning of a city, at least a priority deflection of too-slow-to-act criticisms and of the unfavorable and unwelcome international media attention the crisis continues to draw.