Climate signals boreal bird movement
Citizen science research is helping tell the story of one small songbird and its offbeat migration behavior.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/author/kevin-duffy/page/3/)
Citizen science research is helping tell the story of one small songbird and its offbeat migration behavior.
A photo submission captures the lobe-like mammatus clouds after a Chicago storm.
U.S. Forest Service researchers are calling on the once-abundant American elm to improve soil and water quality along New York’s Finger Lakes streams.
Submit Great Lakes water protection comments to The International Joint Commission by Tuesday.
A submission for the Great Lakes border challenge captures a colorful island vista along the Ohio-Ontario border.
Provide an image illustrating the US/Canada border relationship and we’ll run it in an Echo post.
This new Food Fix podcast tackles food and philosophy, a theme in Paul Thompson’s latest book: From Field to Fork.
The International Joint Commission, a binational agency that advises the US and Canada on shared environmental issues, is collecting comments on its draft 10-year review of water protection in the Great Lakes.
A decade of deep archival research and on-the-ground observation lends perspective to a new environmental history in this new book.
The new USGS topoView app allows anyone to access and download topographic maps — nearly 180,000 of them — dating back to the 1880s.