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Phrag fight: is it friend or foe?
How the First Nations people of Walpole Island are approaching the phragmites problem.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/author/dave/page/13/)
How the First Nations people of Walpole Island are approaching the phragmites problem.
Chronic Wasting Disease and tuberculosis in Michigan’s deer herd are among the priorities of Michigan’s new state veterinarian.
The technique helps speed the detection of Chronic Wasting Disease.
“The secret of making the best person is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.”
Plastic straws pose problems to waterways and the animals that inhabit them.
Michigan native Erik Rintamaki discovered a glowing rock on the shores of Lake Superior – and a new career path.
Playback project helps diversify population of endangered Kirtland’s warblers.
Her efforts led to bans on microplastics and to the discovery that plastic is ubiquitous throughout the environment.