Your search for rachael gleason returned 56 results

Great Lakes exports mussels, advice and reporter to Texas

Clean, drain, dry is common advice among the Great Lakes boating community. Now it’s delivered with a southern drawl. The watercraft maintenance practice limits the spread of invasive species between lakes. And now it is used in Texas to limit the further spread of a Great Lakes menace threatening lakes in that state. Zebra mussels are again the target.  They entered the U.S. through the Great Lakes aboard freighters that inadvertently transported them from Eurasia.

Echo turnover builds a network of Great Lakes savvy journalists

Turnover is frustrating at university-based news organizations. Just as a reporter hits her or his stride, they graduate and move on to another venue. Of course fostering the growth that allows that to happen is fulfilling for an educator. But I’d also argue that in the long-run, it’s also good for the longterm quality of Echo’s journalism. For with every reporter we train here at Echo, we expand our network of journalists who keep us abreast of creative newsgathering elsewhere, provide Great Lakes news tips and become potential freelancers for when we secure funding for that kind of thing.

Algae attacks Ohio’s largest inland lake; wet spring and manure blamed

A popular recreational lake in western Ohio has nearly died, economically and environmentally, because of algae thriving on runoff from farm fields, officials say.

Grand Lake St. Marys is now undergoing a clean up to get rid of toxic algae mostly attributed to manure from nearby fields flowing into the lake during the wet spring.

As a part of the $3.4 million operation, the lake will be treated with nearly 2.6 million gallons of the chemical compound alum.

Echo staff finalists in national award; high fives in order

Great Lakes Echo may be a young news service — it celebrated its second birthday this past March — but the twos aren’t always terrible. And second in the nation ain’t bad either. Echo reporters Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason were dubbed runner ups for their work on the Great Lakes SmackDown! this past fall.  The series earned second place in the country for the Online Commentary and Opinion category of the Society of Professional Journalists National Mark of Excellence Awards.

Terrestrial Terror: Final land brawl

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. Four weeks ago 16 of the most troublesome terrestrial invasive species in the Great Lakes region took to the ring to find out which one readers thought was the worst. Plants entered land brawls facing mammals; birds took the sky to ward off insects. But now it’s time to make the final decision.

Terrestrial Terror Final Four results: Emerald ash borer vs. Feral Swine

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an on going Great Lakes Echo series. Last week The Green Menace and The Beast faced off in the first match of the Terrestrial Terror Final Four. So will it be the boar or the borer? In the polls, 75 percent of readers chose swine over the green-plated insect.

Terrestrial Terror Final Four results: European starling vs. beech scale

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an on going Great Lakes Echo series. Shakespeare’s darling and The Bark Butcher went at it last week in the Terrestrial Terror Final Four. One hundred percent of pollsters voted for the European starling. Nineteen percent of bracketeers voted for the songbird and 5 percent voted for the beech scale.

Terrestrial Terror Final Four: European starling vs. beech scale

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. On the other side of the bracket and competing for a shot at the championship are the European starling and the beech scale. The starling has proven its prowess with skills like spreading fecal matter, posing as an air safety threat and competing with other cavity-nesting birds. But can it compete with the beech scale whose side-sick fungal friend helps it kill beech trees?