Terrestrial Terror Final Four results: European starling vs. beech scale

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an on going Great Lakes Echo series.

Shakespeare’s darling and The Bark Butcher went at it last week in the Terrestrial Terror Final Four.

One hundred percent of pollsters voted for the European starling. Nineteen percent of bracketeers voted for the songbird and 5 percent voted for the beech scale. The remaining votes went to species that have already dropped from the competition.

But it’s time for the starling to fly the coop because the Echo referees went with the beech scale.

Why? Because in true March madness style, upsets happen.

Just like how Villanova took down Georgetown in 1985 or when North Carolina beat Houston in 1983, the beech scale takes down the European starling in 2011.

Starlings are pervasive, contaminate food and water and bully native cavity-nesting birds. But the bird must have not been on its A-game last week because the beech scale is moving on to the finals.

With its fighting skills of killing beeches with the help of a fungal side-sick, this last land brawl between The Bark Butcher and The Green Menace will be an insect showdown.

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