Everything a birder wants to know about Lake Erie’s shoreline

Hold onto your safari hats and binoculars, Great Lakes birders. Lake Erie Ohio Birding is a new website detailing about 84 birding sites along the Lake Erie shoreline. It has driving directions, species information and local attractions. It also has more than 1,600 photos of Lake Erie birds to get you amped up before you go get your bird on. The website covers approximately 312 miles of Lake Erie shoreline, one of the region’s best birding coasts.

If you’re an in-shape, wanna-be scientist, Isle Royale wants you

Much like the skinny kid who memorizes sports stats because he doesn’t get picked for the team, I write about science because I love it but can’t do it. Along with science, you can also add the Great Lakes and wildlife to my “things I geek-out about” list, which is why the Moosewatch Expeditions project on Isle Royale really speaks to my inner nerd. Moosewatch expeditions are week-long, guided hikes through Isle Royale where regular old lay people are part of an ongoing wolf-moose research project. The purpose is to find moose bones and record data. Most of the bones come from wolf kills or starved animals.

Detroit, the notorious “food desert,” has healthiest airport restaurants

If you’re looking for health food in Detroit, your best bet might be the airport. Yes, that’s right. The Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport has been number one for healthiest airport food for three years running. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine conducts the annual restaurant review of the country’s busiest airports. The review determines whether restaurants have at least one low-fat, cholesterol-free meal available.

My Great Lakes Bucket List

I’ve lived in Michigan my entire life, and, as my city slicker little sister likes to tell me, I’m “such a Midwesterner.”

And she’s probably right. But if having a beard, wearing flannel and vacationing in the Great Lakes is wrong, I don’t want to be right. I’ve seen a black bear meandering carelessly through the Porcupine Mountains. I’ve paid close to a month’s rent on drinks at the top floor of the John Hancock Building in downtown Chicago. I’ve battled nausea, more than once, while trolling Lake Michigan for salmon.

The Great Lakes get social

It appears the Great Lakes are getting social. At least it does if you visit the new aggregation site, Social Great Lakes. The site has Twitter feeds lined up like stock tickers constantly in motion. They pull in tweets on news, travel, weather and sports in the Great Lakes, and then the same categories for each lake. The Twitter feeds are updated by searching entire tweets, not just hashtags.