Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: Science coordination


To contribute to the discussion about the science coordination section of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, post your thoughts below. If you want the U.S. and Canadian governments to consider your input, send it to the official website.

Science coordination is not mentioned in Annex 11 (Surveillance and Monitoring) or Annex 17 (Research and Development) of the existing Agreement. The GLWQA Review did identify that Annexes 11 & 17 should address the need for coordination and collaboration to a greater extent.

1. Science Collaboration and Coordination

Enhanced collaborative and coordinated binational science supporting the objectives of the Agreement would increase efficiency and effectiveness of science delivery and better inform decision-making related to the Agreement.

The following are some considerations for the amendments to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.

* Identify specific science activities supporting the objectives of the GLWQA, which will be the focus of science collaboration/coordination in a new Agreement.

* Address this in a new Agreement through a general commitment to work towards developing and enhancing science collaboration/coordination.

* Adopt an existing or new science collaboration/coordination management framework more formally in a new Agreement to manage this activity.

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