Michigan Conservation Voters grade lawmakers’ environmental votes

Today the Michigan League of Conservation Voters slapped a big fat zero on 12 Michigan legislators for lousy environmental voting records. The scores are in the non-profit group’s 2009-2010 Environmental Scorecard, a report that rates the state’s elected officials based on their voting record on bills that would affect the state’s natural resources and its citizens’ environmental health. You can read the 20-page report here (PDF) or search for your Senator or Representative here. Those earning the zero-percent “Dis-Honorable Mention” include Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop (R-Rochester) and Sen. Gerald Van Woerkom (R-Muskegon). Van Woerkom is chair of the Senate Agriculture and Bioeconomy Committee and vice chair of the Senate Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee.

VIDEO: Big farms tend to cluster

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are farm operations where large numbers of animals are raised in confined facilities. The farms themselves also tend to concentrate.

Tapped out: Sour year for maple syrupers

In 2009, Michigan produced the most maple syrup in more than 60 years, but this spring farmers are tapping out sooner than they had hoped. An early warm spell made it a poor season, syrupers say.

Ideal conditions require below-freezing temperatures at night and above-freezing temperatures during the day.

Last year the state produced 115,000 gallons of syrup ranking it fifth in the nation. A typical year is 60,000 to 70,000 gallons.

Michigan nears deer management decision

LANSING, Mich. — Hunting may soon have new guidance if the state Department of Natural Reseources and Environment approves its draft deer management plan.

The plan to manage 1.8 million deer goes to the agency director, Rebecca Humphries, on April 8.

Final approval would come on May 6; the agency would begin implementing parts of the plan immediately.