These birds of a feather lost their feathers
Scientists are puzzling over rare premature feather loss among common tern chicks at Gull Island in northern Lake Ontario.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/tag/birds/page/4/)
Scientists are puzzling over rare premature feather loss among common tern chicks at Gull Island in northern Lake Ontario.
A recent study finds that native cormorants don’t have near the impact anglers fear they do on popular Lake Michigan game fish. But they do have an appetite for invasive species.
Tracking how they drift could lead to the source of what’s killing them. Increasing algae growth may be implicated.
Journalist follows researchers into the field to document the challenges facing six species of birds.
Global coffee consumption is expected to rise 25 percent in five years, a growth with significant environmental implications.
Between 365 million and 988 million birds die annually from collisions with windows in the U. S. and Canada.
Rare plants, animals and wetland types earned the Chiwaukee Illinois Beach Lake Plain designation as a Ramsar site.
Current State’s Kevin Lavery meets up with volunteers banding birds at the Burke Lake Banding Station this week.
Experts say new flame retardants and stain repellents in Great Lakes wildlife offer further evidence of a broken regulatory system.