New flame retardant threat documented in Great Lakes
The persistent contaminant is a problem, even though it has replaced a different flame retardant that is more troublesome.
Great Lakes Echo (
Includes water quality, quantity and use.
The persistent contaminant is a problem, even though it has replaced a different flame retardant that is more troublesome.
The possible elimination of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative has compelled Michigan lawmakers, environmentalists, scientists and business owners to make a case for the program.
The Trump Administration’s proposed budget includes drastic cuts to Great Lakes funding.
Some scientists from the Great Lakes area used Twitter to introduce themselves and their work to the public.
Frequent sampling is the only way to know well water is safe, but there are no statewide testing requirements for owners of private wells in Michigan.
The collection of businesses see Enbridge Line 5 as a threat to the economy and the environment.
Michigan cities like Flint aren’t the only cause for water worry.
The trout in Lake Michigan were once wiped out, but one strain might help bring them back.
The 20th century history of the Great Lakes freighters is tackled and summarized in a new book by Michigan historian Frank Boles.
A recent study found most trash on Great Lakes beaches is plastic – consumer goods like water bottles and food wrappers.