Mr. Great Lakes on new carbon regulation and proposed water conservation
Mr. Great Lakes tackles new federal carbon regulations, Michigan water strategies and smart rain gardens.
Great Lakes Echo (https://greatlakesecho.org/author/mrgreatlakes/page/5/)
Mr. Great Lakes tackles new federal carbon regulations, Michigan water strategies and smart rain gardens.
Mr. Great Lakes (Jeff Kart) reports from Bay City, Michigan’s Delta College Q-90.1 FM. This week, Jeff Kart discusses the top 11 water paddling trails in Michigan and the upcoming Midwest Birding Symposium in Bay City, Michigan. Text available at Mr. Great Lakes.
Jeff Kart discusses newly funded Great Lakes grants, native fish passage and Michigan septic systems.
Jeff Kart talks the Great Lakes Initiative Report to Congress and the President, and the Saginaw Bay Waterfowl Festival this weekend.
Mr. Great Lakes covers lighthouses, conserved land and a new community solar program.
Mr. Great Lakes reports from Bay City, Michigan’s Delta College Q-90.1 FM.
On tap: Lake Huron commercial fishing, native gardening, clean power goals.
Mr. Great Lakes (Jeff Kart) reports from Bay City, Michigan’s Delta College Q-90.1 FM.
Jeff Kart reports that the Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy is looking for volunteers for the Michigan Sugar Trails kickoff, the Delta College Health Professions Building earns a green award and the Michigan Geothermal Energy Association’s spring meeting.
Mr. Great Lakes, Jeff Kart, discusses Climate Education Week, International Dark Sky Week and (barely) biodegradable plastics.