Experts discuss health of Great Lakes beaches


This is the second of four Great Lakes Now broadcasts exploring the major environmental challenges facing the Great Lakes and produced by Detroit Public Television and The Nature Conservancy. It looks at the safety and health of the beaches, low lake levels and the threats of E. Coli, sewage and algae. The special features two panel discussions hosted by MiWeek‘s Christy McDonald. Panel 1: How Safe Are Our Beaches? Katherine Kahl, Ph.

Endocrine disrupters: What can I do?


By Kate Golden
Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism
Advice from experts. To limit BPA exposure, be careful with plastics used with food. Heat food in glassware and carry stainless steel bottles. Discard scratched plastic, and don’t buy used plastic containers. Consider eating less canned food, since can liners may contain BPA.