Terrestrial Terror Round 1: Miscellaneous mayhem

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. Brackets can be filled out until Friday, March 18. Find more information here. By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

The heavyweights and wildcards take to the ring in the final land brawls of round one of the Great Lakes SmackDown Terrestrial Terror. FERAL SWINE vs.

Terrestrial Terror Round 1: Plant peril

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. Brackets can be filled out until Friday, March 18. Find more information here. By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

It’s time for the plants and plant-killing exotics to take root in the SmackDown. PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE vs.

Michigan’s oil spill: a scientist gets sucked in

Steve Hamilton is a Michigan State University professor of zoology based at Kellogg Biological Station, and president of the Kalamazoo River Watershed Council.

He became deeply involved in cleaning up oil that spilled last July in wetlands near Marshall, MI, and he described the experience at a recent seminar.

Terrestrial Terror Round 1: Insect wars

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. Brackets can be filled out until Friday, March 18. Find more information here. By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason
They stink, they sting and bore holes — it’s time for the insects to fight the battle of the bug. EMERALD ASH BORER vs.

Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Welcome to the Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror

Which terrestrial invasive species is the most ecologically destructive to the Great Lakes region? We want you to tell us. We’ll follow the NCAA tournament and pit 16 of the most formidable terrestrial invasive species against each other in “land brawls.” We also threw in a few aquatic wildcard species. We’ll ask biologists, resource managers, invasive species experts and Echo readers to weigh in on each battle.

Terrestrial Terror Round 1: Bird battles

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. Brackets can be filled out until Friday, March 18. Find more information here. By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Now, the avian competitors take to the ring to fight for the title of most destructive in the Great Lakes region!

Permit renewal program to spark more park revenue

By Thea Hassan

Michigan residents renewing their car registration can now simply check “yes” for an annual unlimited pass for state parks and boat launches. Michigan is only the second state to develop this type of park payment plan. Montana is the other. Since the program began last October, almost 20 percent of renewing drivers chose to participate. The new program replaces the previous $24 annual passes sold at park offices.