Terrestrial Terror Final Four results: Emerald ash borer vs. Feral Swine

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an on going Great Lakes Echo series. Last week The Green Menace and The Beast faced off in the first match of the Terrestrial Terror Final Four. So will it be the boar or the borer? In the polls, 75 percent of readers chose swine over the green-plated insect.

Terrestrial Terror Final Four results: European starling vs. beech scale

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an on going Great Lakes Echo series. Shakespeare’s darling and The Bark Butcher went at it last week in the Terrestrial Terror Final Four. One hundred percent of pollsters voted for the European starling. Nineteen percent of bracketeers voted for the songbird and 5 percent voted for the beech scale.

Terrestrial Terror Final Four: European starling vs. beech scale

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. On the other side of the bracket and competing for a shot at the championship are the European starling and the beech scale. The starling has proven its prowess with skills like spreading fecal matter, posing as an air safety threat and competing with other cavity-nesting birds. But can it compete with the beech scale whose side-sick fungal friend helps it kill beech trees?

Terrestrial Terror Final Four: Emerald ash borer vs. feral swine

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. The competition has dwindled to the Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror Final Four. On one side of the bracket, two formidable exotics face off: The emerald ash borer and the feral swine.

In search of a Great Lakes ghost ship

The Ghost Ships Festival of Milwaukee is known for its maritime history exhibits and presentations.

This year, a woman credited with one of the Great Lakes’ most recent finds told her tale in the search for missing vessels, called “ghost ships.”

Terrestrial Terror Round 2 results: Mute Swan vs. Emerald Ash Borer

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. Last week the Terrestrial Terror victors took to the ring for a second round SmackDown! The mute swan faced the emerald ash borer  in a rumble that ended in a landslide victory for The Green Menace. Eighty-five percent of pollsters rooted for the green-plated insect over the large and hostile waterfowl.

Terrestrial Terror Round 2 results: European Starling vs. Gypsy Moth

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editor’s note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. The Extreme Defoliator and Shakespeare’s Darling took flight last week in Round 2 for an invasive air battle. In the polls the competition was close. Fifty-three percent of readers chose the gypsy moth and 47 percent chose the European starling.

Terrestrial Terror Round 2 results: Beech Scale vs. Chinese and Japanese Mystery Snails

By Alice Rossignol and Rachael Gleason

Editors note: Great Lakes SmackDown! Terrestrial Terror is an ongoing Great Lakes Echo series. Teamwork helped the Chinese and Japanese Mystery Snails and the beech scale defeat Round 1 terrors. So what will happen when the odds are evened in the next round? How did the giant stinky snail tag team fair against the Bark Butcher and his trusty fungal side-sick?