Farmers, filming and Flint: Making a bid for free fruit trees
The Youth Karate-Ka Association in Beecher near Flint, is one of hundreds of farms nationwide vying for free fruit trees from Edy’s Fruit Bars.
With video
Septic Setbacks
Ill maintained, leaky and overflowing septic tanks are polluting drinking water sources, rivers and lakes and causing serious health concerns in Great Lakes communities. AUG. 16
Leaky pipes: Researchers find sewage in most Milwaukee stormwater discharges
A recent study found almost 90 percent of storm water outfalls tested in Milwaukee contained human sewage
Michigan on-site wastewater systems lack state oversight
When it comes to regulating septic systems, Michigan is a loner. It lacks statewide regulations to oversee the permitting and operations. JUNE 28:
Local governments search for funds to fix failing septic systems
Leaking septic tanks continue to threaten human and environmental health despite increased regulations, legislation and enforcement.
New vessels to advance Great Lakes research
Two new research vessels built in Cleveland will aid U.S. Geological Survey researchers who study fish in Lakes Erie and Ontario.
Farmers, filming and Flint: Seed to sale
Brian Johns is a farmer and an educator at his own Happy Family Farm.
He teaches students to grow vegetables using traditional and cutting-edge technologies such as hydroponics and aquaponics.
They learn “seed to sale” – from growing to entrepreneurship. (Video)
Invasive species: Scourge to some, revenue to others
It’s not often that an invasive species is welcomed into its host community. But some northern Michigan beekeepers want to keep spotted knapweed around because honey bees collect nectar from it.
Farmers, filming and Flint: Solar panels and a rain cistern
This week the farmers begin building a second greenhouse and installing solar panels to support geothermal heat.
They start planning a rain cistern to capture rainfall
Farmers, filming and Flint
Producers of an award-winning video about Flint, karate and urban agriculture are working on an hour-long version.
It will include additional footage – some shot by urban farmers themselves – to create an organically grown storyline about growing food in the city.