Echo once again is running the Wisconsin Sea Grant version of the popular 12 days of Christmas carol. Produced by outreach specialist Tim Campbell in 2011, it brings 12 days of holiday invasive species cheer.
Things may have changed since then so feel free to update the song in the comments.
Today: Twelve quaggas clogging
Quagga mussels are now the dominant invasive mussel in Lake Michigan.

Quaggas on a boat hull. Image: Natalie Muth, Utah Division of Wildlife
A congener (a member of the same genus) of zebra mussels, the quagga mussel can tolerate colder water and colonize soft substrates. These abilities have helped it colonize most of the benthic habitat in Lake Michigan. Just like zebra mussels, quagga mussels are quite effective at clogging water intake pipes and other infrastructure. Mitigating these impacts has cost Great Lakes residents millions of dollars.
- Eleventh day: ‘Leven gobies gobbling
- Tenth day: Ten alewives dying
- Ninth day: Nine eggs in resting
- Eighth day: Eight shrimp ‘a swarming
- Seventh day: Seven carp and counting
- Sixth day: Six lamprey leaping
- Fifth day: Five boat wash stations
- Fourth day: Perch on ice
- Third day: Three clean boat steps
- Second day: Two red swamp crayfish
- First day: A carp barrier in the city