US scientists urge more research on climate engineering

University of Michigan professor Dr. Joyce Penner Credit

University of Michigan professor Dr. Joyce Penner

Machines that suck carbon out of the air. Fertilizing the ocean with iron to stimulate phytoplankton. Spraying sulfate particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sun and cool the earth. These scenarios might sound like science fiction, but they are increasingly being considered by scientists as a potentially necessary tool in the fight against climate change.

The idea of geoengineering the climate isn’t without controversy though, and some environmentalists think it could hurt efforts to control emissions right now.

Last week, the National Research Council released a much anticipated report about the issue.

Current State speaks with Dr. Joyce Penner, a professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Michigan who served on the committee that authored the report.

This segment was produced by WKAR’s Current State and is reproduced with permission.

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