Report explores future of green energy in Michigan

Jeremiah Johnson is an associate professor at the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources. Credit:

Jeremiah Johnson is an associate professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources.

Green energy has made big strides in Michigan over the past several years. That’s thanks in large part to a 2008 law that required the state to get 10% of its energy from renewable sources by 2015.

The “10 by 2015” mandate is about to expire…and the state is on track to meet its goal.

But what happens next? Can Michigan continue its move toward renewables? Or will efforts to green the energy industry stall without a legislative mandate?

A report by the University of Michigan’s Energy Institute tries to answer those questions.

Current State talked about the report’s findings and the future of renewable energy in Michigan with co-author Jeremiah Johnson, who is also an Assistant Professor at University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources.

This segment was produced by WKAR’s Current State and is reproduced with permission.

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