The coast of Lake Superior. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
Michigan residents may live in a basin containing nearly 20 percent of the world’s freshwater, but more than 21 percent failed to boat, swim or wade in a Great Lake in the past five years, according to a recent poll conducted by Lansing-based Public Sector Consultants.
Here’s what else the poll revealed:
- Only 13.5 percent of Michigan potential voters went to every lake during the past five years.
- Almost 21 percent visited one lake.
- Almost 19 percent visited two lakes.
- A little more than 16 percent visited three lakes.
- Just 9 percent visited four lakes.
The statewide poll of 600 likely Michigan voters was conducted by Denno Research between July 9 and July 11. It has a margin of error of +/- 4 percent.
So what’s up with all those people who live here but never dip into the region’s greatest natural attractions?
Get going.
And if you’re among the 13.5 percent who has already visited each lake, try something a bit more challenging: