The most visited Echo stories of 2012

Echo’s most viewed stories of 2012 covered a lot of ground. And water.

We reported on environmental science, policy and business.  We checked out critters as diverse as mute swans, midge flies,  cougars, ugly fish and mud puppies.

Some of the most viewed stories of 2012 weren’t even written in 2012. A 2011 story on river gold and a 2010 story on polybrominated biphenyl drew enough readers to land among this year’s top five.

Here are the 10 most viewed Echo stories written and published in 2012:

10.) Record summer heat killing more fish

Both heat and drought mean less oxygen is dissolved in the water for fish. There was plenty of both this summer.

9.) Commission considers canoe, kayak registration

A plan to require registrations for canoeists and kayakers in Michigan drew plenty of readers and angry commenters.

8.) China second largest source of Great Lakes mercury pollution

China was second only to the United States in polluting the lakes with mercury.  And its contribution is rising.

7.) Pharmaceuticals difficult to treat in drinking water

Many everyday medicines could go through water treatment systems and end up in the water we drink.

6.) There’s a cougar in Marquette County, Michigan!

Michigan’s Wildlife Conservancy and Department of Natural Resources disagree as to whether there is an established mountain lion population in the state, but there’s been several confirmed sightings.

5.) The “Best” of the Great Lakes

Which lake is the “greatest” lake for surfing?  For fishing?  For canoeing and kayaking?  Which has the best beach, Lake Superior or Lake Huron?

4.) Hurricane worries Great Lakes captains, excites surfers

Superstorm Sandy was a dream come true for the Great Lakes surfing community,  if not a nightmare for freighter captains.

3.) The Great Lakes have some of world’s most concentrated plastic pollution

Researchers discovered dense pockets of micro-plastics in the Great Lakes.

2.) Midge fly infecting Michigan deer with deadly virus

Deaths by this virus were up 300 percent over the summer before.

1.) Michigan takes aim at mute swans; 13,500 to be eliminated

Echo readers responded to this poll  in a big way:  Are you in favor of killing mute swans?

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