NASA astronaut captures Belle Isle image from space
The Detroit River is one of the most important waterways in the Great Lakes system, according to NASA’s post.
Great Lakes Echo (
Echo runs images from the Great Lakes region on Fridays. Most submissions come from readers. Submit one to Include your name, a brief description of the image, when it was taken and any unusual circumstances involved in taking it.
The Detroit River is one of the most important waterways in the Great Lakes system, according to NASA’s post.
The torrential rains in northern Michigan and Wisconsin on June 17, 2018 sent abundant sediment runoff into Lake Superior.
In this video segment, random people answer questions experts believe environmentally literate individuals should know.
In this video segment, random people answer questions experts believe environmentally literate citizens should understand.
It’s mostly melted now, but an unusually cold winter had Lake Erie’s ice cover at over 90 percent.
Sturgeons project their jawbones from their skulls, creating the suction they need to vacuum food from lake beds.
Earlier ice on Lake Erie inhibits the formation of lake effect clouds.
Did Mother Nature look over van Gogh’s shoulder for this one? Or is it the other way around?
Scenes from Hearts Content in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest.
Businesses along western Lake Erie are hurting from dwindling tourism as more anglers avoid the lake, said charter fisherman Dean Thompson. His own business has dropped 40 percent this year.