Can the way you brush your teeth really save otters?

We're surrounded by an abundance of this important resource. Why do we need to be stingy with it? Image: Stuart Rankin, Flickr.

We’re surrounded by an abundance of this important resource. Why do we need to be stingy with it? Image: Stuart Rankin, Flickr.

Elaine Isely. Image: WMEAC.

Elaine Isely. Image: WMEAC.

In the Great Lakes region, the obvious motivators for water conservation aren’t as immediate. For a lifelong inhabitant, it can be hard to understand why decreasing water use and being a good water steward is important when one sees the vast, abundant bodies that surround us.

Marie Orttenburger

Marie Orttenburger

Marie Orttenburger spoke with Elaine Isely, the water and low impact development programs director at the West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC). She explained why good water habits are just as important in the Great Lakes as they are in more arid regions.

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