New flame retardant threat documented in Great Lakes
The persistent contaminant is a problem, even though it has replaced a different flame retardant that is more troublesome.
Great Lakes Echo (
The persistent contaminant is a problem, even though it has replaced a different flame retardant that is more troublesome.
Bacteria, industrial pollutants, mercury among the challenges.
The river that drains the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean is designated an Area of Concern by the U.S. and Canadian governments.
But a shortage of certified contractors make it difficult to get underway mitigation of the hazardous element found in old homes.
Ever wonder what happens deep below the Mackinac Bridge? Now you can see thanks to some data-driven animations that can predict an oil spill’s location or help a freighter captain navigate.
Indictment says he hired untrained worker to illegally strip asbestos pipe insulation from vacant buildings and demolished one building with asbestos still in it.
But gender ratio, deformities and reproduction remain a concern on Indiana’s Grand Calumet.
Study raises questions about whether enough is being done to eliminate emissions that can cause cancer and damage human immune and endocrine systems.
Structures built before 1978 likely contain lead dust that once released can blow through urban neighborhoods and homes.
Company president gets 30 days in jail, 240 days community service and must pay restitution.